The team will be showcasing the Healthcare Cloud at this year's RBMA Fall Educational Conference in Boston. The conference kicked off on Sunday, September 8th and will go until Tuesday afternoon with a schedule packed full of networking events, breakout sessions, and industry leader speaking seminars.

This year's event has a great variety of sessions with topics that include:

  • Discovering emerging value and transaction drivers in imaging
  • Imaging payment reductions
  • Radiology economics
  • Radiologist productivity and profitability


Here at booth 111, the Healthcare Relationship Management team will be showcasing their radiology-specific cloud solution and educating radiology leaders on:

  • Appropriateness of Criteria: Will the future of radiology be able to tell which referring physicians are ordering appropriately vs. not?
  • Turn around time: Displaying alerts to reading radiologists regarding status and patient type
  • Critical result communications: the ability to auto-generate Cases based on when the Critical Results are found


Our very own Anthony Poggioli, VP of Eastern Sales, will also be featured on a panel giving a presentation on: Negotiation of Professional Services Agreements and Co-Management Agreements That Solidify Fair, Balanced and Long Lasting Relationships.

It's a busy week here at the RBMA Fall Conference and is excited to be a part of it.  If you or your colleagues are here, be sure to stop by and see us at booth 111.

For more information on the Healthcare Cloud that includes radiology-specific CRM and business intelligence, visit our website.

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