A few weeks ago at the Lab Quality Confab conference, our team posed the question:

What is the #1 real-time metric your lab needs?

With over 30 responses and nearly 150 votes cast, it's safe to say that this topic struck a chord within the laboratory community.

Our congratulations to Glenda Sutton, who is the Director of Laboratory Services at Ty Cobb Healthcare System. Her idea "Turn around time of culture reporting" had the highest number of total votes as of November 30, 2011, making her the winner of a $500 American Express gift card.

Other popular ideas included:

  • Real time monitoring of AM (morning lab collections and completion of results)
  • Where are we gaining/losing customer loyalty?
  • Capturing real time insurance information at the employer level and ABN checking

The full list of ideas is available here.

The good news? Many of the ideas submitted are readily available in hc1.com, including ordering volumes, turn around time (TAT), case or issue resolution, actual order volume vs. projected, and key client retention indicators. hc1.com is a lab outreach solution, health care CRM system, and lab management system all rolled into one--yet it doesn't replace any of your existing systems. It leverages and expands upon your current data in order to transform it into real-time action.

Thank you again to our participants in our Lab Metrics contest. To learn more about the hc1.com Healthcare Relationship solution, download our new whitepaper: "Unlocking a 360-Degree View of Your Customer Data: How to Create Stickier, More Profitable Relationships for Your Lab."

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