Tags: hc1.com

'Tis the season...for chili competitions! It is a well known fact the team here at hc1.com is full of avid chili connoisseurs, but did you know that we also have a few closet cookie maestros?

Thursday marked the third annual hc1 Chili Cook-Off, and the competitors were out in full force. With names like "Dragon's Breath," "Unicorn Tears," and "Burning Ring of Fire," us taste-testers were in for a spicy afternoon. We sweated through the heat, however, and crowned a deserving winner - Dragon's Breath, made with love and fire by Senior Solution Architect Derrick Bovard.

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There were some new competitions this year, and awards were also handed out for Best Tasting Cookie and Best Decorated Cookie. hc1's SVP of Client Success Esther Friend came through as the decorative winner with amazingly artistic traditional Grandma's Recipe Christmas Cookies. As for the taste category, Kevin Kidd, the young upstart from Operations, took top honors with the winning combo of peanut butter, chocolate, and oats in his gluten-free Monster Cookies.

The only outstanding competition, and my personal favorite, is the Christmas Sweater competition. Props to all the entrants this year - who knew hc1.com closets were full of such tacky Christmas sweaters, ties, earrings, and, in one particularly memorable case, pants?

Christmas sweaters

UPDATE!! Congrats to the 2014 Christmas Sweater Champion, Brian Owens!!! His sweater (far right picture) filled us all with Holiday cheer! Go Brian!!

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