Patient Engagement. The newest medical buzzword is everywhere, from newly created 'Patient Experience Officer' positions to 'The Office of Patient Engagement' departments in health systems. Beyond patient portals and patient access to records, do hospitals - and, more specifically, doctors - even really know how to engage their patients?

A recent study by TeleVox and Kelton Research shows how Americans really view healthcare today:

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  • 83% of Americans don’t follow treatment plans given by their doctors exactly as prescribed
  • 42% of Americans feel they would be more likely to follow their prescribed treatment plans if they received encouragement and coaching from their doctors between visits
  • 55% of providers say they don’t communicate with patients between visits
  • And, most shocking of all, 50% of healthcare professionals believe their job begins and ends during regular office visits

At, we believe that patient engagement means more than just giving patients access to their medical records and test results. Our mission is to make sure a patient feels like a person throughout their healthcare journey - not just another number. Documenting patient touch points in the Healthcare Relationship Cloud® makes it possible for this solution of engagement to truly optimize the healthcare experience.

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It is the small touches that raise patient satisfaction. An extra long wait time at a doctor's office means a personalized email from the doctor and a small token or gift card. An unexpected equipment failure at the radiation specialist means escalated appointment times.

These are just a few of the ways is transforming the healthcare experience, one satisfied patient at a time. To learn more about hc1, email today!

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