In a recent article titled "Three Healthcare IT Trends for 2013" by Connie Bensen of Smart Data Collective, three key trends are introduced and broken down to determine the future adoption of these technologies in the healthcare industry. Why are these trends important? All three will affect your lab's acessibility to business and clinical intelligence that help your lab proactively address client issues and improve the overall quality of your patient-centered care:

1. Increased mobility for clinicians, with more security

What this means for your lab: Laws such as the HITECH Act of 2009 have put roots in the ground to promote the widespread adoption and standardization of health information technology. Securing this data at the infrastructure level is critical, and your lab needs to find the most ideal and secure place to store this data. Where would this be? The cloud.

2. More and more providers are moving to the cloud

What this means for your lab: Not only is it secure, the cloud is the best platform for managing applications and enabling collaboration. A cloud service means it is available any time, from anywhere, and does not require any hardware or software.

3. "Big Data" can lead to big insights

What this means for your lab: Now you can turn piles of reports into analytical evaluations (such as dashboards) to pinpoint the root cause of client issues, resolve these issues, and improve your relationships with clients. In a recent blog post by Phil Solomon of Revenue Cycle News, he notes, "Many smaller niche technology firms are breaking the mold and providing valuable data. Be an early adopter of new technology and stay ahead of the curve!"

Security, cloud computing, and big data are all ingredients found in lab CRM and healthcare business intelligence. Our Healthcare Relationship Management solution leverages your existing systems in order to create a holistic view of your lab and its clients.

With that, I will leave you with one more quote that jumped out to me: "Healthcare is still far behind other industries in creating integrated, longitudinal, client-focused databases that can serve as the foundation for in-depth analytics."

Since our debut approximately one year ago, has been adopted by 250 healthcare organizations across the U.S. processing nearly 200 million diagnostics transactions annually. It has been noted by Robert Michel of The Dark Report  that it is being adopted faster than any other solution seen over the past two decades in this market. Maybe the healthcare industry could still be considered "far behind", but it may be closing the gap fast. To learn more, contact us today.

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