Tags: hc1.com

hc1.com was fortunate enough to participate in the in the Lab Sales and Marketing 2014 Conference hosted by G2 Intelligence in Scottsdale, Arizona before the Holidays. We were excited to be one of only 2 Gold Sponsors of the event, and would like to thank everyone who took time to speak with us over the 4 day event.

Sales and marketing professionals attended the conference to listen as industry leaders spoke and provided insight into the volume-to-value revolution. Attendees heard a ton of useful information and a variety of tactics; some spoke to a dual business model (think 2 tablespoons of volume +1 teaspoon of value), others suggested hiring folks to comb through their disparate data systems to provide small nuggets to their clients on a reactive basis, and almost everyone threw out the hot buzz words, including Test Utilization.


I felt there were a ton of great ideas ideas discussed but, if you’re like the majority of folks we met, you may still be questioning the hows. How does my organization provide strategic value to our clients? How would my clients react if their sales rep were to leave our organization tomorrow? How do we build a partnership with the clients we serve? How do we even go about filtering the data needed to provide value to our client’s real time?

If the hows are still present and you would like more information about hc1 and how we may be able to help please reach out to jward@hc1.com or call 317.219.4723.

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