As a part of the Indiana Economic Development Corp.'s 2013 Companies to Watch program, was one of five businesses presented with the "Spotlight" award. These recipients are all past honorees that have shown significant continued growth and were celebrated with 33 members of this year's Indiana Companies to Watch class.

The program was held at the Indiana Roof Ballroom where speakers like Governor Pence and Lieutenant Governor Sue Ellspermann spoke to the crowd about the positive impact these "Spotlight" companies are making on the economy of the State of Indiana. The Healthcare Relationship Management Cloud has contributed to this impact, growing its revenue by 71 percent since 2012 and gaining adoption by more than 500 healthcare organizations processing over 200 million transactions per year.

The program's schedule included opening remarks from Governor Pence and Inside Indiana Business's Gerry Dick, followed by the presentation of the Spotlight Awards and dinner. After dinner, thirty-three companies were introduced into the 2013 Companies to Watch class, an award received in 2011. The night was filled with pride and achievement from these entrepreneurial-inspired companies, who are excited for the challenge to do even more in 2014. It's safe to say, the entrepreneurial spirit is thriving in Indianapolis and throughout the state of Indiana.

The team is proud and humbled to receive this recognition, as well as inspired to do even more with our Healthcare Relationship Management Solution, which includes healthcare CRM and Business Intelligence for health organizations, laboratories, and radiology practices. Our talented and determined team is committed to helping our clients succeed.

For more on last Thursday's event, read more here.

About Indiana Companies to Watch: designed to seek out businesses from a wide range of industries representing all regions of the state, it is a celebration of second-stage companies and their contributions to a vibrant Indiana and U.S. economy. In addition to being evaluated on past growth and projected success, awardees are also judged according to their special strengths, such as innovative products and business practices, special use of technology, and philanthropic work in their respective communities. For more information, visit their website.

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