Leg 2 of our West Coast Road Tour has led us to sunny Orange County!

This morning's agenda:  Help a Start Up Lab Optimize It's National Sales Team

Building an all-star sales team is no easy task, let alone building a national team from scratch. All-star sales teams need all-star information to reach their potential, and that is what hc1.com is doing for this particular start up lab.

By integrating multiple laboratory systems and data storage points, this lab will be able to provide its sales team with the critical data needed to succeed. They'll also have the ability to import their sales data from all over the country into one easy to use lab CRM. Now this lab is poised to explode from start up to all-star from day 1 by leveraging lab management tools and creating powerful lab analytics, allowing them to quickly identify and stay ahead of market trends.

I am extremely excited to watch this lab take over it's market!

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