Earlier this week, hc1.com was featured in the IndyStar's Business Profile section which also spotlighted hc1.com CEO Brad Bostic. This comes at the conclusion of a very successful 2013 that included numerous spotlighted features in the Indianapolis news and surrounding areas. You can view the full list of articles here.

In this particular article, titled Business Profile: hc1's software streamlines lab work, CEO Brad Bostic touches on the vast potential for the hc1.com Healthcare Relationship Cloud, a healthcare-specific cloud solution built from the ground up for the needs of healthcare executives, providers, and patients.

He's not the only one that is thinking this. "As we move to a more value-based approach, this is really going to pick up steam at hospitals around the country," states Troy Reiff, chief operating officer of St. Vincent Seton Specialty Hospitals in Indianapolis and Lafayette. His hospitals began using the hc1.com lab-specific software last spring and saw immediate value. With hc1.com, they can now eliminate the routine practice of ordering a full array of lab tests for patients on a set schedule when they're admitted to the hospital.

Even with all of the success hc1.com experienced in 2013, the hc1.com team is gearing up for a bigger and better year in 2014. This will include growing the sales and marketing team to more than triple its current number, moving into a bigger office space to accommodate their rapid growth, and receiving continued funding. The Indianapolis community is behind hc1.com, and hc1.com is ready to take off and become another Indianapolis technology start-up success story.

Read the full article here.

This write-up comes from Star reporter Jeff Swiatek. For more information onJeff or the Indianapolis Star, visit their website. Or, contact Jeff directly at jeff.swiatek@indystar.com.

For more on hc1.com and its cloud-based healthcare software, sign up for a free demo today.





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