In a recent article entitled "Increased Number of Corporations Now Offer Employee Wellness Programs, Creating Opportunity to Clinical Laboratories to Provide Needed Lab Tests," Patricia Kirk describes how the new Obamacare has driven employers to install Wellness programs in the office place. While on initial review this might seem backwards because employers already are being asked to spend more on Healthcare plans, by supporting employees to get healthier, the cost charged to the company to provide Healthcare will decrease. According to a survey conducted by AON, "about half of all U.S. employers now offer employee wellness programs."

With this boost in Wellness programs being sponsored by employees, the wellness industry has sky-rocketed in a 6 billion dollar industry. This shocking growth is not only positive for those in the wellness industry but also clinical laboratories as well as pathologists and laboratory scientists. This is because a lot of wellness programs involve some form of health screening, meaning laboratories have more clients willing and able to pay for screening services. At the same time, "pathologists and laboratory scientists could offer expert medical consultations to help individual employees progress in efforts to improve their health, particularly those with chronic conditions."

At, we are in a unique position with these new developments. The Healthcare Cloud is founded on the concept of Healthcare Relationship Management, as well as offering Healthcare Business Intelligence all built in the cloud. While our business involves clinical laboratory clients among others in the Healthcare industry, we are also currently building out our own Wellness program. A more detailed description of what our Wellness program involves can be found here

To learn more about as a company please visit our homepage here.








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