It’s no surprise that the role of the CIO in healthcare has changed drastically. Chief Information Officers are stepping into the spotlight as they spearhead technology campaigns to move their healthcare organizations into the digital age. IT departments are notorious for being the 'basement dwellers,' and this is no different in healthcare. But with the rise of EMRs, HIT, and multi-billion technology initiatives at large health systems, the IT department is taking center stage.

Research conducted by McKinsey & Company found that IT performance increases across the board when CIOs are involved in shaping business strategy. When business leaders across departments can agree on initiatives, true strategic change can take place. So does the problem stem from CIOs not asserting their opinions at big moments or from other C-Suite roles not taking their IT counterparts seriously?


CIOs involved with strategic planning have a better understanding of the technology goals of the company. They also have better results in driving partnerships, and sharing acceptability with their business-focused counterparts. The McKinsey survey also found that while early half of technology respondents saw cost cutting as a top priority, their business counterparts said that supporting managerial decision making is one of IT’s top priorities.

As healthcare, as many other industries before it, moves towards a new era of technology, IT initiatives must align with strategic business goals in order to successfully shape business strategy.

For more information on how the role of the CIO is changing in healthcare, call 317-219-4646 today!

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