Tags: Events

AACC-2014_landing_header530x263editedThis past week, hc1.com participated in one of the largest conference events for laboratories. AACC, the American Association of Clinical Chemistry, took place in Chicago from July 29th – July 31st.

hc1.com participated in a big way this year. We started the big week with a dinner co-hosted by Beckman Coulter. The dinner was at the Chicago Cut Steakhouse, one of Chicago’s premier restaurants. We had the opportunity to host over 35 individuals consisting of board members of hospital lab associations, hospital lab executives, and clients. Our speaker was Tim Urick, consultant to Sonic Healthcare, who spoke about the challenges labs are facing and what the future of the lab looks like. How do labs optimize their processes and automate once manual and time-consuming tasks? How do labs effectively increase their outreach efforts? How do labs meet standards and take accountability for their contribution to the continuum of care? The dinner was very well received and we enjoyed great conversation with many individuals that attended the dinner - even throughout the remainder of the week.

BtqBFdhCAAEJ7JLhc1.com’s booth served as a station where individuals came by to see demos of our solution, the Healthcare Relationship Cloud™, which personalizes the healthcare experience for providers and patients by partnering with healthcare entities across the continuum of care including labs, radiology groups, and health systems. At our AACC booth, we were able to connect with many individuals and learn about some of the challenges they face in their lab every day – such as not understanding where issues with TAT are originating, or very manual processes associated with resolving customer issues, or challenges with their outreach efforts.

hc1.com, which announced a strategic partnership with Beckman Coulter earlier this year, participated in many events with them throughout the conference. Thomas Arena, hc1.com’s Chief Strategy Officer, and Troy Galloway, Beckman Coulter’s Head of North America Marketing, co-presented in the Beckman Coulter booth a session entitled “From Volume to Value: How the Healthcare Relationship Cloud™ Helps Labs Optimize and Measure Performance.” The sessions were very well attended and created a lot of buzz that took individuals over to the hc1.com demo area where they were able to see firsthand how hc1.com and Beckman Coulter work together to make diagnostic data from equipment such as analyzers actionable and available in real-time. hc1.com and Beckman Coulter also co-presented on an industry panel early Tuesday morning where they discussed with much audience participation what the lab needs to do to optimize and perform in this changing environment.

The event was a great showcase of hc1.com and we hope we were able to connect with you. If we didn’t see you at AACC this year, we hope to connect with you in the future! If you’d like to see a personalized demo of our solution and see firsthand how it can help your lab, visit: www.hc1.com.




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