In a recent article by William A. Fera (principal in the Advisory Health Care practice of Ernst & Young) titled, "Mobile technology poised to enable a new era in health care" Dr. Fera highlights innovation in healthcare today and the two technologies that are leading the way. Cloud computing and Big Data Analytics.

This article touches on some major trends found in Ernst & Young's new report that observes the impact of technology innovation on healthcare and its stakeholders. Technology companies everywhere are looking to fulfill a "healthcare everywhere" vision that entails helping health systems, medical laboratories, and radiology practices alike with the adoption of new technology so real reimbursement and return on investment can be achieved today.


  • A vital component of the outcomes-focused healthcare system
  • Will be the THE WAY in which health systems, medical laboratories, radiology practices, pharmacy, home health, etc. network and share information across the continuum of care
  • A way to leverage patient care and their digital health records



  • So much information flows through a health system and their entities, now we have the ability to capture that data and use it to improve relationships and patient care
  • Will also be used to identify important patterns with patients, physicians, and clients


You can find the full article and report here. is transforming the way healthcare entities manage their relationships with healthcare-specific cloud computing and actionable communication.  Data and Analytics are used everyday by clients to align sales, client services, and operations so new clients can be acquired and existing clients can be retained. Others are taking notice of the rapid adoption of these technologies and how they are benefiting health systems instantly. Isn't it time you learned more?


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